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TERMS & CONDITIONS GOVERNING CREDIT CARD FACILITIES These Terms and Conditions apply to and regulate the provision of Credit Card facilities by ICICI Bank Limited. I. DEFINITIONS & INTERPRETATION "Affiliate" means and includes: - any company which is the holding or subsidiary company of ICICI Bank , or - a Person under the Control of or under common Control with ICICI Bank, or - any Person, in 26% or more of the voting securities of which, ICICI Bank has a direct or beneficial interest or Control. For the purpose of the definition of Affiliate, "Control" when used with respect to any Person, means the power to direct the management and policies of such Person, directly or indirectly, whether through the ownership of the vote carrying securities, by contract or otherwise howsoever and "Person" means any individual, company, firm, corporation, a partnership, trust or any other entity or organisation or other natural or legal person. "Applicant" means person(s) who has / have applied for a Card to ICICI Bank. "Authorised Dealer" means an authorised dealer as defined in the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, as amended from time to time.

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