Sunday ka Asli Fayda!

2000+ Products Begin at 99
Earphones Watch
Sweatshirt Soup Bowl
Wallet Bedsheet
shopcluescrm focuses on unstructured categories of home and kitchen, fashion, electronics and daily utility items. Across various categories, the company highly promotes local as well as regional brands. The online marketplace reached half a million sellers on its platform to be the highest in the Indian e-commerce industry. Our rigorous merchant approval process ensures that our buyers can be assured on all aspects of product purchase, be it authenticity, quality. Our merchants typically are successful retailers who have earned credibility and customer loyalty through years of excellence in building customer experience in the offline environment. So as a buyer you can be confident that you are buying the best from the best. shopcluescrm brings the best from all India together on one platform. Our merchants enjoy the benefit of our superior technology, large reach, robust fulfillment processes, reliable payment facility and unmatched marketing expertise. This allows them to focus on what they do the best, bringing the best products to the customer at the best. We not only help our merchants reach to a larger market on a reliable platform but also to increase business multifold within the online space. This is done through a host of business management tools, effective marketing, decision enabling analytics and last but not the least, our buyer centric approach which ultimately leads to long term loyalty. You may be a buyer or a seller but there is one thing in common that shopcluescrm promises both. Unmatched online experience no matter which side of the transaction you are. Welcome to the marketplace! Online retail in India started with inventory-led model but later entrepreneurs realized the model was not scalable and capital intensive. Following this, we have seen e-tailers like Flipkart, Snapdeal etc. hopping onto a marketplace model. While most of them pivoted as they saw a huge potential in organizing the fragmented retail, Gurgaon-based shopcluescrm had the DNA of a marketplace right from its existence.
shopcluescrm focuses on unstructured categories of home and kitchen, fashion, electronics and daily utility items. Across various categories, the company highly promotes local as well as regional brands. The online marketplace reached half a million sellers on its platform to be the highest in the Indian e-commerce industry. Our rigorous merchant approval process ensures that our buyers can be assured on all aspects of product purchase, be it authenticity, quality. Our merchants typically are successful retailers who have earned credibility and customer loyalty through years of excellence in building customer experience in the offline environment. So as a buyer you can be confident that you are buying the best from the best. shopcluescrm brings the best from all India together on one platform. Our merchants enjoy the benefit of our superior technology, large reach, robust fulfillment processes, reliable payment facility and unmatched marketing expertise. This allows them to focus on what they do the best, bringing the best products to the customer at the best. We not only help our merchants reach to a larger market on a reliable platform but also to increase business multifold within the online space. This is done through a host of business management tools, effective marketing, decision enabling analytics and last but not the least, our buyer centric approach which ultimately leads to long term loyalty. You may be a buyer or a seller but there is one thing in common that shopcluescrm promises both. Unmatched online experience no matter which side of the transaction you are. Welcome to the marketplace! Online retail in India started with inventory-led model but later entrepreneurs realized the model was not scalable and capital intensive. Following this, we have seen e-tailers like Flipkart, Snapdeal etc. hopping onto a marketplace model. While most of them pivoted as they saw a huge potential in organizing the fragmented retail, Gurgaon-based shopcluescrm had the DNA of a marketplace right from its existence.
shopcluescrm focuses on unstructured categories of home and kitchen, fashion, electronics and daily utility items. Across various categories, the company highly promotes local as well as regional brands. The online marketplace reached half a million sellers on its platform to be the highest in the Indian e-commerce industry. Our rigorous merchant approval process ensures that our buyers can be assured on all aspects of product purchase, be it authenticity, quality. Our merchants typically are successful retailers who have earned credibility and customer loyalty through years of excellence in building customer experience in the offline environment. So as a buyer you can be confident that you are buying the best from the best. shopcluescrm brings the best from all India together on one platform. Our merchants enjoy the benefit of our superior technology, large reach, robust fulfillment processes, reliable payment facility and unmatched marketing expertise. This allows them to focus on what they do the best, bringing the best products to the customer at the best. We not only help our merchants reach to a larger market on a reliable platform but also to increase business multifold within the online space. This is done through a host of business management tools, effective marketing, decision enabling analytics and last but not the least, our buyer centric approach which ultimately leads to long term loyalty. You may be a buyer or a seller but there is one thing in common that shopcluescrm promises both. Unmatched online experience no matter which side of the transaction you are. Welcome to the marketplace! Online retail in India started with inventory-led model but later entrepreneurs realized the model was not scalable and capital intensive. Following this, we have seen e-tailers like Flipkart, Snapdeal etc. hopping onto a marketplace model. While most of them pivoted as they saw a huge potential in organizing the fragmented retail, Gurgaon-based shopcluescrm had the DNA of a marketplace right from its existence.प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश (FDI) वाली ई-कॉमर्स सेक्टर की कंपनियों के नियमों में किए गए बदलावों को अमल में लाने की समयसीमा को लेकर खींचतान बढ़ती जा रही है. व्यापारियों के संगठन CAIT के साथ ही अब Snapdeal और ShopClues शॉपक्लूज जैसे छोटी ई-कॉमर्स कंपनियों ने भी संशोधित नियमों को लागू करने की समयसीमा 1 फरवरी से आगे नहीं बढ़ाने पर जोर दिया है. उन्होंने कहा है कि नए ई-कॉमर्स एफडीआई नियमों के अनुपालन की समयसीमा को 1 फरवरी से आगे बढ़ाने की किसी भी पहल का विरोध किया जाएगा. स्नैपडील और शॉपक्लूज का यह रूख ई-कॉमर्स क्षेत्र की बड़ी कंपनियों अमेजन और वॉलमार्ट अधिग्रहीत फ्लिपकार्ट के रुख के उलट है. अमेजन और फ्लिपकार्ट संशोधित ई-कॉमर्स नियमों को अमल में लाने की समयसीमा को 1 फरवरी से आगे टालने की मांग कर रहे हैं. उनका कहना है कि उन्हें नए नियमों को समझने के लिये और समय चाहिए. बता दें, अमेरिकी प्रशासन ने ई-कॉमर्स के नये नियमों को लेकर चिंता जताई है और कहा है कि नए नियमों से भारत में बड़ी विदेशी कंपनियों की निवेश योजना प्रभावित हो सकती है.
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