1/5 Finance Clippings

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Should lecture notes be open source?
January 4, 2010 at 7:30 pm

This article appeared a couple of weeks ago and Greg Mankiw linked to it.

The basic question is whether lecture notes should be available to anyone with an internet connection. Some big players are already well established, notably MIT's open courseware.

My 2 cents - I don't think that I am ready to embrace it quite yet....too many unresolved issues such as intellectual property ownership and whether the materials can be redistributed in a different form and by whom.

The lost decade
January 4, 2010 at 7:15 pm

A great link showing how, as far as stocks are concerned, we gained pretty much nothing over the past decade. The last graph on PE ratios is worth a look if you don't read the whole article.

Spring semester is almost upon us...
January 4, 2010 at 7:11 pm

Blogging has been light for the past few weeks because of the holidays. But now that the spring semester is almost here, its time to get back to it.

Right now in Atlanta the American Finance Association is having its annual meeting. I'm not attending this year, but the meetings have gotten a fair amount of media attention because they also include the American Economics Association.

The Wall Street Journal discusses why the meetings are held in early January, frequently in a location that is cold. Turns out, economists are cheap. However, economists do have a sense of humor. Well at least they have a "humor session". HT: Greg Maknkiw

Finally, my colleague, Craig Newmark posts a link in which a journalist asks "why do we still pay attention to economists?" In Craig's usual style he makes short order of the journalist, but I think the best come back comes from a commenter who says "I'm pretty amazed, given the past 30 years or so, that anyone is still paying attention to journalists."

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