Keep Calm And Wear Cool Shades

Blockchain Technology was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 for use in the cryptocurrency bitcoin, as its public transaction ledger. Satoshi Nakamoto’s aim in creating the decentralized Bitcoin ledger the blockchain was to allow users to control their own money so that no third party, not even the government, would be able to access or monitor it. The creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi, disappeared back in 2011, leaving behind open source software that the users of Bitcoin could update and improve. The invention of the blockchain for bitcoin made it the first digital currency to solve the double spending problem without the need of a trusted central authority or central server. The bitcoin design has been the inspiration for other applications.The sensors in my arm sent something is very wrong my heart rate – it is going up, my breathing has become erratic, and instead of this time gently waking me, it vibrates aggressively to get my attention, and as I roll over, I’m grabbing my chest, and I’m I’m like what’s going on, so I reach over to my phone. I pull it up and sure enough there’s a message it says I’m having high blood pressure in my breathing as a radicand and it suggests that I take a two aspirin right away and then goes on to say it says all my vital signs have been recorded in electronically transmitted to my medical provider.In the 1990s, when the internet technology was in the native stages, email was the first major application. Later new applications like web browsers came. Websites became popular. People started using chat software like Skype. Now if you look at your mobile, see how many different applications are run using the Internet. Similarly, when blockchain technology emerged, bitcoin was the first major application which used it. Other cryptocurrencies followed the trend. Now, blockchain technology is used in a variety of applications like security, online voting etc. So back at the hospital the doctors already evaluating my data and in his professional opinion I need to get in the hospital right away so we electronically dispatch Emergency Medical Team directly to my home including pertinent data about my current medical situations so they know how to take care of me and I even get a notice or a message from the EMT that they’re about to arrive I’m whisking to the hospital and I’m put under keen observation. The good news is later that morning that doctor comes and says you’re going to be fine. You were suffering a heart attack and we avoided any major damage because you got the treatment you needed in just the nick of time so now is the internet of things worth it maybe all because things can talk to other things or what we call the Internet of Things Thank you. In 1999 Kevin Ashton, then at Auto-ID Center, coined the term ‘Internet of Things’. It was a new term, but not a new operation


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