Marriage is a Bond Between Two Souls

The doctor-population ratio is far lower than prescribed by World Health Organisation one for every 1,674 persons, as per the parliamentary panel report, against the WHO-recommended one to 1,000.The Blockchain technology has become a regular news item with the emergence of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Now, this technology is disrupting almost all markets, changing the way we do our day to day business. Yes, the blockchain technology is changing our world.Let’s decode the latest buzz word – The Blockchain Technology – in this post. Thank you for the excellent feedback on our earlier articles in this series – on Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and Automation. Feel free to post your feedback on this article in the comment section at the post-bottom.Imagi ne a Microsoft Excel Sheet file in your laptop with details of some transactions you made. You can call it a ledger. Now, imagine that your Excel Sheet file is copied to hundreds of your friends’ computers, connected to each other forming a network. The ledger in your laptop has become a distributed ledger. Then imagine that this network of computers is designed with a technology to regularly update this Excel Sheet, whenever you or your friends update the ledger. You now have a basic understanding of the blockchain. Management of medical education in India should take the major responsibility of such a paradoxical trend. Medical Council of India is the regulatory body for medical education and medical practices in India. Many blame MCI for problems in the India health sector. The solution to this situation lies mainly in reforming and revamping MCI. In simple terms, blockchain is a digital ledger. Wondering what is a ledger? Ledger is a book containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from books of original entry. A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, public ledger. So simple, right?The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of transactions that can be programmed to record virtually everything of value. Each list of record in a blockchain is called block. So a blockchain is a continuously growing list of records called blocks, which are linked and secured. The internet of things is a concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects being connected to the internet. In the Internet of Things, the connected devices should be able to identify themselves to other devices. Simply put, this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an ON and OFF switch to the Internet or to each other. This includes everything from cell phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of. Or, if you want us to make it more simple – Internet of Things is a concept where Things can talk to other Things.but affordable online education, giving stress to self-study. This post contains links to all Clear IAS online study materials, which are completely free. The strategy should be a mix of the online study materials, tips and guidance for UPSC provided in with the offline study materials such as IAS textbooks and NCERT. You are free to share or print Clear IAS study materials and notes for UPSC Exam preparation or self-use. All the bestIn this post, we analyze the problems of Medical Education in India. We will also see if the inefficient working of Medical Council of India has compounded the problems in the health sector. Then we analyze what government had done to alleviate the situation. Finally, we will examine what all needs to be done and included in the new National Medical Commission Bill. India has the largest number of medical colleges and is also a booming market for medical tourism, but a large majority of citizens does not have access to the basic healthcare facilities


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