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Grace himself was said to have been paid more money for playing cricket than any professional.The first English team to tour overseas, on board ship to North America, 1859Meanwhile, the British Empire had been instrumental in spreading the game overseas and by the middle of the 19th century it had become well established in Australia, the Caribbean, India, New Zealand, North America and South Africa.If you have a special someone, think back to those memories and how dear they are to your heart. The most famous player of the 19th century was W. G. Grace, who started his long and influential career in 1865. It was especially during the career of Grace that the distinction between amateurs and professionals became blurred by the existence of players like him who were nominally amateur but, in terms of their financial gain, de facto professional.The moment you first met, the first date, first kiss, first "I love you" — all of those moments are part of your own epic love story. And you still have so many chapters to play out. Having your own special love story is amazing. But there's something about novels that really make you swoon. The passion and emotions seem to just lift off of the page and you are caught up with the characters in their story. There can be sweet pages with lots of gushy but totally heart-filled declarations of love, and pages filled with problems that the couple has to miraculously overcome in the most romantic way. You may even fall for some of the characters. But whether you are looking for that special someone or blissfully in love, these ageless classics know just how to pull on those heartstrings. So, jump under the covers, turn down the lights, and tuck into the best love stories and most sought-after romantic novels of all time.When you think of love stories you probably have a few that pop in your head. Whether it's movies like The Notebook or Titanic, or classic tales like Romeo and Juliet or Pride and Prejudice.Click Here


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